Program configuration for Netscape 7.1

Make the following adjustments to use our news server:

Start Netscape as usual.

Select Mail & Newsgroups from the Window menu. If you have not configured any news or e-mail account within Netscape so far, the Account Wizard will start automatically. In this case, please continue the configuration as described at step #5.

Window / Mail & Newsgroups

If you have already configured an account, Netscape will open a new window:

Local Folders

Select Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings from the Edit menu.

Edit / Mail & Newsgroups Account Settings

Then click on the Add Account button to start the Account Wizard. This wizard will lead you through the configuration of a new e-mail or news account step by step.

Account Settings

Select Newsgroup account and then click on the Next button in the Account Wizard's first window.

Account Wizard - Newsgroup account

Now you will need to supply some personal information. Enter your first and last name in the Your Name box and your correct e-mail address in the Email Address box. Then click on the Next button.

Account Wizard - Identity

Enter the name of our news server (News.Individual.NET) into the Newsgroup Server box, then click on the Next button.

Account Wizard - Server Information

You can assing a short name to the new account or use the server's name (default). We have chosen "NetNews". Click on the Next button.

Account Wizard - Account Name

The Account Wizard gives you an overview of all the information you supplied so far in its last window.

The configuration for our news server is not done yet since you will still need to supply your username and password for news access (see below).

Click on the Finish button to leave the Account Wizard.

Account Wizard - Overwiew

You can make further adjustments to your settings when the Account Wizard is done. Please make sure that the Compose messages in HTML format option is not checked and click on OK.

Mail & Newsgroup Settings

If Netscape does not connect to our news server automatically, select Subscribe from the File menu.

File / Subscribe

Make sure that this account ("NetNews") is selected in the Account selection box if you have configured more than one news server. The full list of newsgroups available on our server will be transferred. This may take some time.

Subscribe - Full list of newsgroups

In the list of available news hierarchies you can double-click on hierarchy names (or use the little arrows to the left) to "open up" a hierarchy and show the available sub-hierarchies and newsgroups within. A double-click on a newsgroup (or a click on the checkbox to the right of a newsgroup's name) subscribes that newsgroup. Confirm your selection by clicking on the OK button.

Subscribe a newsgroups

When you first contact our server, you will be prompted to enter your username and password for our service.

Storing your account information in the news reader's configuration is a potential security risk. If you are unsure, please refer to our FAQ at

You can save this information so that you do not have to type it in again next time.

Enter your username

If you use the program on a computer that other people have access to, saving your username and password can be a security issue because it may be possible for others to post articles in your name via our server. Netscape may alert you about this:


When you type in your password for our service it is not shown in plain text.

Enter your password

The number of message headers to be downloaded may be specified in the following window:

Number of message headers

The headers for articles in subscribed groups are transferred now, and the articles available in the selected group are shown. (Note: Group names are abbreviated in the group list on the left hand side, i.e. "n.n.questions" stands for "news.newusers.questions" in our example.)

Available articles

A double-click on an article header opens the selected article in a new window.

Open an article

Note: To see how articles in a newsgroup refer to each other, you can sort the articles by threads. Select Sort by and then Thread from the View menu to sort articles by threads.

Sort by Threads